  • On Trust,  On Vulnerability

    4 Tips for Passive Decision-Makers

    Decision-making is one of the scariest, paralysis inducing undertakings of a people-pleaser. It’s risky to state my own opinion, and it leaves me vulnerable to feeling the judgement, anger, or disappointment of others. If my goal is only to keep people around me happy, decision-making is the ripple in the water that rocks the boat.

  • On Rhythms

    5 Best Podcasts of 2020

    If you’re new to this, podcasts are here to stay, and I’d like to give you my top five recommendations. These recommendations are in no particular order and represent an array of different types and styles of podcasts. I jumped onboard the podcast train a few years ago and I’ve never left. If you have a set of earbuds or…

  • On Relationships,  On Rhythms

    What I’m Learning in June

    1. Taking a break from my phone, computer, internet, or social media is a breath of fresh air I should welcome. It is a chance to breathe deeper and look for the beautiful things around me. I tend to get caught up in what’s happening with the people around me in the world, especially now that we don’t see our…